Charleston Falls Preserve is the most visited Park District property in Miami County with over 216 acres of prairie and forests. This beautiful park is the perfect place to hike and view wildlife. Uncommon plants such as wild columbine, walking fern, purple cliff break and rock honeysuckle grace the limestone faces of the surrounding gorge.
The most unusual feature of this preserve is the unique waterfall. The Falls can rightly be called a “Miniature Niagara” because its rock strata is the same as Niagara Falls. Originating from small underground springs several miles to the east, the stream creating the falls plummets 37 feet then continues its meandering journey to the Great Miami River.
Over three miles of trails pass through various habitats such as Redbud Valley and the Thorny Badlands, offering explosions of color and varieties of scenic wonder.
Help protect this unique natural site by using the trials provided and following the rules of the Preserve.